Meet the Capital Area Chapter of PennAEYC
How long have you been on the board?
If you wrote a book about yourself, what would the title be?
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have 1 item with you, what would it be?
If you could have lunch with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
What do you find most rewarding about being a part of this organization?

Suzanne Brubacher
1. I joined the board in 2018
2. I Really Thought I Knew What I was Doing
3. A boat!
4. Robin Williams
5. That we are helping ECE professionals.

Kathy Stennett
1. 2 years on the board, with an additional 6 years working on various committees.
2. The Power of the Encouraging Word
3. A tank of drinking water – I have to have water wherever I am!
4. Joyce Meyer – she is a wonderful woman of God, whom I admire greatly.
5. I firmly believe in the value and effective support that we offer to all early childhood professionals through their participation in the various programs made available to them, as well as the community partnerships cultivated on behalf of children and their families. It is exciting to me to be participating once again in our mission to advocate for children, families, and ECE professionals in the field. The icing on the cake is being able to work alongside the wonderful ECE professionals and dedicated board members and committee chairs. There is no greater reward than working with committed professionals with a cause that we believe in - improving the early care and education of young children in PA.
VP of Services
Karla Tarsi
1. I have been honored to serve the board for three years.
2. I don’t know where I’m going, but I can’t wait to get there!
3. A lighter.
4. Rudolf Steiner
5. Being able to support fellow teachers through meaningful (and desired PD) and building a sense of community in the Capital Area EC world.

Member At Large
Pam Blazi
1. Since December 2014
2. Short and Sweet
3. Chocolate
4. Princess Diana
5. I like being able to network with colleagues, share my joy of working in the early childhood field, and being a part of a greater good. The conference we sponsor each year is very valuable to the field and I know many centers look forward to attending. I’m proud to brainstorm ideas with this wonderful group of people.

Member At Large
Eric Jones
1. Unknown.
2. Still Going Strong
3. The autobot known as Alpha Bravo from the Aerialbots, aka Superion.
4. Jesus
5. Being part of a team with the sole purpose of helping early childhood educators meet their professional development needs.
Mary Lauchle
1. I joined the board in February of 2021.
2. Living the dream; A How To by Mary Lauchle
3. Sunscreen
4. Martin Luther King Jr.
5. Helping and encouraging ECE professionals.

Member At Large
Alyssa Hahn
1. I joined the board in 2019.
2. In Each Moment Be Present
3. Cell Phone
4. I don't know about this one. Meeting Jesus would be cool!
5. I love that I get to help other ECE professionals out with planning events, professional development, and support them in areas that they need.

Member At Large
Corrie Mitchell
I joined the board in 2023
Spend Time with the Ones You Love
Corrie Ten Boom – She was a very courageous women and my namesake.
As a STARS Quality Coach, I work with many child care programs. I enjoy being able to help directors and staff grow & learn to better prepare young children for this challenging world we live in. This organization offers many opportunities to do this.