The Capital Area Chapter of PennAEYC, a local chapter of PennAEYC (Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children) and NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) is a non-profit organization committed to serving children, their families and early Childhood professionals in Central Pennsylvania.
Our Goals
Professional Development
Support NAEYC accreditation of early childhood programs
Provide Director's Roundtable, Pediatric First Aid training, and the Innovation Grant
Support and promote high quality training for early childhood staff
The purpose of our organization is to enhance the lives of children by providing support for adults working with or on behalf of young children. We express our mission in terms of three broad goals:
Facilitating improvements in the professional practice of early childhood development and education
Increasing public understanding and support for high quality programs for young children and their families
Fostering collaboration and building a cohesive community of early childhood professionals
Promote early childhood quality, affordability, accessability, and compensation issues
Seek business and community funding and support through presentations, one-on-one contracts and publicity through the local media
Collaborate with other early childhood advocacy entities
Enhance parent education and support of early childhood professionals
Build committees and provide support to the chairperson
Establish and maintain contact with early childhood programs
Foster partnership within the community at business meetings, local events and through our website